Land at Merse, Kirkcudbright
Kirkcudbright, Dumfries and Galloway, DG6 4RL
An excellent opportunity to acquire a potential development site in the popular town of Kirkcudbright with excellent links to Dumfries, Stranraer and the A75.
- Currently listed in the Dumfries & Galloway Local Development Plan 2
- Designated as an allocated housing site (ref KBT.H1)
- Total c.8.70ac (3.52 ha)
- Close to the A75
Kirkcudbright is prominent harbour town on the Solway coast which boasts a thriving arts community and is well known as the ‘Artist’s Town’. The town is a prominent part of the Solway Coast Regional Scenic Area. The land has excellent links to Dumfries and wider south west Scotland. Kirkcudbright provides amenities such as restaurants, takeaways, convenience stores, primary and
secondary schools. There are also services available in the town such as a GP and dentist. A wider range of services are provided at Dumfries such as business parks, industrial estates, high street and retail park shopping.
Dumfries – 27 miles Stranraer – 48 miles
Carlisle – 61 miles Glasgow – 103 miles
The property is accessed from the A755.
From the M6/A7(M), take the exit marked A75. Follow this for c.45 miles. Turn left onto the A711. After 5 miles, take the right onto Bridge Street (A755), once over the bridge, the land is located on the right after 0.5 miles.
From Stranraer, travel east on the A75 for 43 mile. Turn Right onto the A755. After 5.5 miles, the land is on the left just before the entrances to Merse Avenue.
The land is c.8.70ac (3.52 ha).and is currently used for livestock grazing. It is slightly sloped across the site and occupies the KBT.H1 Allocated Housing Site. The land is currently included the Dumfries & Galloway Local Development Plan 2. It is well located to the west of Kirkcudbright and adjoins the Mersecroft development with excellent access to the high street and the rest of the town.
Developer interest
The Vendor will also give consideration to option or Joint Venture arrangement with a Developer, please contact the Selling Agents to register your interest.
Sporting Rights
Any sporting rights are included in the sale in so far as they are owned.
Mineral Rights
To the extent they are included within the vendor’s title.
Local Authority
Dumfries & Galloway Council
English Street,
Dumfries & Galloway,
Date of Entry
By mutual agreement
Plans, Areas and Schedules
These are based on the Ordnance Survey and Title Deeds and are for reference only. They have been carefully checked and computed by the selling agents and the purchaser shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the description of the property and any error or mis-statement shall not annul the sale nor entitle either party to compensation in respect thereof.
By strict appointment with the Selling Agents:
Davidson & Robertson Rural. Telephone 01900 268633 / 0131 449 6212
or via email
All viewings are to be arranged with the selling agents.
A deposit of 10% of the purchase price will be payable on
conclusion of missives. This will be non-refundable in the event of the transaction failing to reach completion for reasons not attributable to the vendors or their agents.
Cavers & Co
Paul Cavers, 40/42 St Mary Street, Kirkcudbright DG6 4DN
Tel: 01557 331217
Important Notes
Closing Dates
A closing date may be fixed. Prospective purchasers who have notified their interest through solicitors to the selling agents, in writing, will be advised of any closing date, unless the property has been sold previously. The seller is not bound to accept the highest or any offer, or to go to a
closing date.
Formal offers, in the acceptable Scottish form should be submitted, along with the relevant money laundering paperwork in accordance with The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, through a Scottish Solicitor, to the Selling Agent.
Third Party Rights and Servitudes
The subjects are sold together with and subject to all existing rights of way, servitudes, wayleaves and others, whether contained in the Title Deeds or otherwise, and purchasers will be deemed to have satisfied themselves in all respects thereof.