Planning & Development
Have you plans for development?
Our team can provide advice on a variety of planning matters ranging from single house sites to major strategic developments, including: change of use, pre-planning advice, planning applications and the promotion of sites through Local Development Plans.
We have considerable experience in advising on and negotiating the optimum structure and terms of option and promotion agreements between landowners, promoters, prospective developers and house builders. D&R has an extensive network of credible land promoters and developers who can realise the potential of a land opportunity into a development project and ultimately a transaction that will add significant added value to a land asset.

“Davidson & Robertson has helped us along each step of the process. Thanks to their guidance we have been able to negotiate our way through the various obstacles to development and help achieve a successful outcome.”
K Ireland, Raw Holdings,
West Lothian.
Please give your local Davidson & Robertson office a call to discuss your needs.
Head Office
Rural Centre
West Mains, Ingliston
EH28 8LT
Tel: 0131 449 6212
Fax: 0131 449 5249
Email: office@drrural.co.uk
Ayr Office
Livestock Auction Mart
Tel: 01292 265 851
Email: ayr@drrural.co.uk
Castle Douglas Office
162 King Street
Castle Douglas
Tel: 01556 50 22 70
Fax: 01556 50 53 36
Email: castledouglas@drrural.co.uk
Cockermouth Office
Suite 7M
Lakeland Business Park
CA13 0QT
Tel: 01900 268 633
Email: cockermouth@drrural.co.uk
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