
When you want a professional opinion on the value of your assets – our RICS Registered valuers are the people to ask.

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Valuation is a core service provided by Davidson & Robertson. Regulated by RICS – the Royal institute of Chartered Surveyors – we follow RICS professional standards, ensuring our valuations are carried out by RICS Registered Valuers with the utmost professionalism and integrity.

D&R can provide valuations for a variety of purposes including: lending, tax returns, internal business reorganisations, tenancy waygoing, sales and purchases. Our valuers have specialist knowledge that enables them to value assets such as: agricultural tenancy interests, renewable energy interests, minerals, access and sporting rights.

“Our expertise in Valuation is recognised by the many banks, solicitors, accountants and individuals who instruct and entrust us to value property accurately, in order to inform their business decisions.”

Niall Milner
Director and Head of Valuation.

Please give your local Davidson & Robertson office a call to discuss your needs.

“Hopetoun Estates has had a long association with Davidson & Robertson, using their services over decades in a wide number of areas including contract farming advice. The firm has consistently provided a professional and practical service which delivers excellent results to the estate.”

Donald Noble, Chief Executive, Hopetoun Estates


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