Nigel Harris
Job Title: Consultant
Department: Utilities, Energy & Infrastructure
Location: Cockermouth
Tel: 01900 268633
Mobile: 07968 133 139
Email: NH@drrural.co.uk
Professional background: Since 1986 Nigel has been working for land agency practices in North Cumbria and South West Scotland associated with livestock auction marts in Cockermouth, Dumfries, Annan and Carlisle. He has been undertaking a wide range of traditional land agency tasks to include residential and commercial sales and lettings plus estate management for agricultural estates. Nigel is a RICS Registered Valuer and a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
Outside of work: Nigel is a keen fell walker, cyclist and photographer. Spends much time watching rugby, still manages a regular basketball session and likes to travel. Third owner of a very amateur craft brewing syndicate.
Key areas of work:
- Utility Claims
- Communication Masts
- Wayleave and easement negotiations
- Compulsory Purchase
- Planning & Development
Also experienced in:
- Farm Business Tenancies
- Landlord & Tenant
- Property Management
- Rural estate management
- Rural property sales & lettings
- Valuations