The huge amount of utility work planned will mean disruption for landowners and tenants. If a proposed project may affect your land, it is important to engage with your Agent at the outset to minimise the impact. Not everyone realises that the cost of engaging an agent is generally met by the utility company.
The main elements of a claim differ in every case; however, most claims usually include the following :
- Loss of land use – e.g., loss of grazing/crops
- Disturbance – e.g., disruption to fieldwork, lack of access and temporary fencing issues
- Reinstatement – e.g., reseeding, repair to gates and fences
- Client time – often overlooked so keep a record of time spent on or around the project.
Our breadth of experience means we know the potential issues and understand the true going rate clients are likely to be paid. The best opportunity for landowners and tenants to negotiate better terms on these matters is at the outset of the project, before signing any paperwork. Are you likely to be affected by any utility or infrastructure projects now, or in the future?
For more information contact Sarah Bennett, Associate on 01556 512 148.