Chris Edmunds becomes Chair of CAAV in Cumbria & Northumberland

Chris Edmunds CAAV Chair

New Chair for CAAV in Northumbria and Cumbria

Chris Edmunds, Chartered Surveyor and Fellow of CAAV, became the new Chair of the Northumbria and Cumbria branch of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV) at their 104th AGM.

Founded in 1910, CAAV is the UK’s specialist professional body representing, briefing, and qualifying those who advise on agricultural, rural property and business matters. It is the enthusiasm and experience of their forward-looking members who continue to support and encourage future professionals on their journey.

A member of CAAV, Chris became a Fellow in 2012 building on a career that began in 2009 on placement with Davidson & Robertson – a firm of rural surveyors and consultants operating across the North of England and Scotland. Chris has worked across Cumbria and South West Scotland for almost a decade, setting up the D&R Cockermouth branch in 2015. A year later he was promoted to Director of the company and now also heads the firm’s Cumbria office and Development Team.

Commenting on his appointment Chris said “It is an honour to chair what is one of the most proactive and largest of the 29 associations in the UK which in total has over 3,000 members in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Our role as professionals is often one of the trusted advisors to our clients and our practical experience and knowledge gives us a unique position in the advice we can offer. It is a skill set that is likely to be needed even more in the future by businesses in our region looking at the challenges and opportunities they face.

“We are all too aware of the huge changes ahead in our rural world – from subsidy changes, through to planning & development along with renewables. Linking many topics is the drive towards net zero and land use. As rural surveyors, we need to be looking in a strategic way, our role is going to be central to the management of these changes along with our Clients’ other advisors.

Setting out what the local branch hopes to achieve in the coming year, Chris said “Along with our new Vice-Chair Tim Sedegwick, we will be looking to run a series of CPD events for both the East & West of the branch and, now that Covid restrictions are lifting,  we will be encouraging all young valuers and probationers to engage with us more.

“One of the biggest opportunities we want to grasp is the chance to re-engage with schools to increase the profile of a career as a Rural Chartered Surveyor. Very few people outside the industry really understand what we do. Inspiring secondary students to explore surveying opportunities is the first step on that ladder – something that needs to be encouraged.

“In 2009, my placement role at D&R was a great experience and goes to highlight how you can grow within a company. We all have a role to play, encouraging new talent into the industry and developing them through the profession – from placement to Chartered Surveyors and Fellows of the CAAV.

For more information contact Chris Edmunds via email or call 01900 268 633.


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